Operation Enslavement Boot Protocol commences this week. Here is how the rest of this weeks card stacks up:
Christopher Conatser: Feel threatened, explains "Whaling"
Steve Poggi: Childhood Hamper Prison
Timothy Pizza: Dog Boner Bart Screaming
Ethan Albers: Posions himself on two separate occasions
Keith D'Souza: Dead Nanny Play Time
Jonathan Moore: WWF > WCW
Pam Benjamin: Breaks up with Jews, Fakes Abortion
Kollin Holtz: Deals out some hot action on "The Radiation Burning Five"
Shelly Strebel:Takes the Burning Five, and goes deeper than most!
Honorable Beef Mentions:
Back fresh from vacation Radiation Island gets right back to business! This weeks episode we bring out the Radiation Burning five!
Edward Quinn: Brings the pressure!
Black Jones: Goes ham in a Waffle House!
Pam Benjamin: Faces mortality right in its beady little eyes!
Jonathan Moore: An't scared of no spiders!
Amy Bibeau: brings it all to the table!
Ethan Albers: Mayor of SF open mic and professional snitch!